Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Beginning Of My Breast Cancer Journey

My breast cancer journey began in February 2011. My husband saved my life, he found an obvious lump in my left breast. I put off going to my Doctor, thinking it may just be another cyst. Since I had a history of Fibrocystic breast disease. I have always had lumpy breast! After about three weeks, I scheduled an appointment with my primary Doctor. She performed a breast exam and was very concerned. The next day, I had my very first mammogram. Thinking it's just a cyst, cancer never entered my mind. About three days later, I received a phone call, stating I will need to see a General Surgeon. I decided to go to the appointment alone, thinking it's just a consultation. The Surgeon was very professional and suggested a needle biopsy immediately. I was very nervous at this point. They moved me to a small surgical room. He applied some local anesthetic to the area and performed the biopsy. On March 3, 2011, my life changed forever! The news that I had invasive ductal carcinoma at the age of 32! My husband and I were devastated! When you first hear the word cancer, immediately think it's the end! I am only 32, I have a 7 year old daughter and married to the love of my life. I have so much to live for... WHY ME! I had made the decision to have a lumpectomy. On March 9, 2011, I had a lumpectomy with a sentinel node biopsy. About a week later. I received the pathology results. I was stage 2, due to the cancer spreading to 2 of 5 lymph nodes removed. I had some genetic testing done, because I had no family history. The test was negative for the breast cancer genes. My treatment plan was 8 rounds of chemotherapy, 6 weeks of radiation and Tamoxifen for the next 5 years. The road seemed to long, but with my strong faith and the help of my family and friends. I am a survivor!

My experience with chemotherapy, is something I will never forget. I would have my infusions every other week. I started to lose my hair after the 2nd treatment. It was dry and falling out in clumps. As a women your hair is everything, it was very traumatic! One day I decided to shave my own head, with husbands clippers. At least, I had some control over when I lost all of my hair! I wore wigs that was similar to my hairstyle. Some of my worst symptoms was severe nausea, no taste buds, neuropathy of the hands and feet, which consisted of itching and burning! My radiation was a daily treatment for 6 weeks. My burns didn't start until after the 2nd week! Very painful, eucerin aquaphor was my savior. I would highly recommend to anyone.

I have become a stronger and better person, because of breast cancer. I live everyday to the fullest. It becomes a reality of how short life is... When your young it just doesn't cross your mind. When your diagnosed with the possibility of not growing old or watching your daughter become a women! Words just cannot express the overwhelming feelings. The constant fear of it coming back before each follow-up appointment or mammogram. I would highly suggest a support group. I have met some amazing women. They have easily become my second family and I look forward to each meeting. I can tell you prayer and faith has brought me through this storm.

Please post any questions or anything I may help you with, through your journey or a loved ones.

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