Monday, February 9, 2015

My 2nd Breast Cancer Diagnosis

Over the next 3 years, all of my mammograms and MRI's have all been negative. I have tolerated the tamoxifen, with very little side effects. I was in great shape. I had been working out with a great group of women. Who are my constant motivation. Life is great! In December 2014, I noticed some changes with my left breast. It had become quite painful, firm, warm to the touch and my nipple had started to retract. All the common symptoms of breast cancer. I knew something was wrong, these changes had such a quick onset. I made an appointment with my Doctor. She was very concerned about the changes along with my symptoms. Then lightly touched on right breast, stated " You have a lump." In fact there was a very obvious lump, just behind my nipple. She ordered an ultrasound for the next day. The Radiologist stated there was no changes to the left side. The lump in my right breast, looked abnormal and recommended a biopsy. My heart dropped to the floor... I just had a mammogram 6 weeks prior. How could this happen? Later that day I received a phone call from my Doctors office, with an appointment with my General Surgeon. I had wait about 10 days, which was the longest days of my life. On December 16, I had a fine needle biopsy done right in the office. After a few days... I struggled with calling the office for results. We were leaving for Disney World in a couple of days. I felt knowing was my best option. I don't think I would have enjoyed myself, with constant worrying. My worst fear had become my reality! It was invasive ductal carcinoma HER2 positive. In my situation hind sight is always 20/20! I should have chosen the mastectomy instead of the lumpectomy! I should have had a second opinion. All of these mind racing thoughts with the same result. I have breast cancer again and it's more aggressive than my previous diagnosis. Ladies, I cannot stress enough the importance of paying attention to your body and performing self breast exams. We cannot always rely on technology. Most young women have very dense breast tissue, which can make finding a tumor or any abnormality very difficult.

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