Saturday, June 6, 2015

Chemotherapy #1,2 & 3- Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer

I know it's be a while, since my last update. I just needed some time to process my new diagnosis. It is still so surreal! I have learned that worrying about the future does not change the future, it only takes away from the joy of today!! I live by this daily. It is so easy to feel sorry for yourself, I have so much to live for...
I started my new chemotherapy/treatment plan on April 30. The new chemo meds are Perjeta, Docetaxel and Herceptin, every 3 weeks for 4 cycles. I will get Zometa as well, which is for my bones, every 3 weeks. Once cancer attacks the bone, the goal is to break it down, cause fractures and spread. The Zometa allows the bones to produce more bone building cells to counteract the cancer cells. It's not a cure but a bandaid. To slow the process down. Treating metastatic breast cancer as a chronic condition, these are the latest and greatest of medications. The effects are slightly different from the previous chemo cocktail. I experienced numbness around my mouth, which feels like the anesthetic from the Dentist, that never wears off. My finger tips and toes get numb as well. The taste buds are non-existent! When food has no taste or has an altered taste, it's the worst. It's like eating something you don't like, can you just imagine?! Let's say eating has been extremely difficult I know nourishment is needed to remain strong. I have been supplementing with ensure drinks. One new side effect is diarrhea! The fatigue and insomnia is ridiculous. I can be so exhausted, eyes so heavy basically I could asleep standing. I get in the bed and become a zombie! This is the worst torture you could imagine. So tired you can't go to sleep! I attribute this madness to the steroids, I get prior to chemo. With each treatment, my symptoms have decreased slightly! I have started walking a few times a week with a good friend. I feel so much better. Before all of this I worked out 4-5 times a week. I am just trying to found out what my new normal will be... I am so thankful, because I know it could be a lot worst. I keep a positive attitude and stay prayerful. I know the Lord did not bring me this far to leave me.