Friday, April 3, 2015

Chemotherapy #1 HER2 Positive Breast Cancer

At the age of 36, I would have never imagined fighting breast cancer for the second time. Before I could start my treatments. I had to have another outpatient procedure, a port placed in my chest which is connected to one of the main arteries of my heart. Providing minimal discomfort before each treatment. Rather than looking for a vein each time. I received my treatment schedule, I have 6 cycles of chemotherapy every 3 weeks. A targeted treatment called Herceptin, weekly until chemotherapy is completed. Then every 3 weeks for a year. The road ahead seems never ending... To be honest, I want to do everything in my power to fight this disease. But side effects can be so debilitating and life changing! My experience with chemotherapy previously, I had nausea, fatigue, neuropathy of my hands, feet with extreme burning and itching. I also had taste aversion, food has a metallic taste. I lost my hair after 3 treatments. I could still function, I was working part-time, going to school and taking care of my family. This time around  is a different story, working and daily tasks are next to impossible this time. My first treatment was on February 19, 2015. I get my blood drawn and see the Doctor before treatment starts. I am usually there for about 6 hours. I get a cocktail steroids and anti- nausea meds before chemo. The chemotherapy drugs this time around are alot stronger! As each hour passes, I get extremely tired! The full effect kicks in the next day, after I get the Neulasta shot. It boosts the white blood cell production, to help my immune system. The chemo drugs basically wipes everything out. I have severe nausea with no appetite, extreme fatigue, weakness, headaches, taste aversion, overall body aches, and periodic burning nerve pain in random parts of my body. Most days I could barely left my head off the pillow. I started to lose my hair within the first week. I decided to shave my head. It more tramatic to watch it fall out by the handful. It seems as though life is just passing me by and I am stuck in the bed and in the house, doing nothing. I feel like a Mac truck keeps repeatedly running me over! I pray daily for strength and understanding, though the most challenging time my life. I just want to be done with everything and live life to the fullest. I am so impatient, but can you blame me? I am counting the days... Life is so precious. I have also wanted to travel to different countries and so much more. When your faced with a disease that could  potentially take your life, time is of the essence! That old sayings, "Don't put off what you could do today" or "Tomorrow is not promised" rings so true to me now! Tell your family and friends you love them and appreciate them. You never know what life trials and tribulations can bring. I have a testimony to share and that is why I started this blog. I pray my story will help at least one person to go get a mammogram, they have been putting off. The importance of self breast exams, you know your body better than anyone. Please be proactive and encourage others to do the same.

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